October 19, 2011

Dear Nathan Pearson,
Thanks for having me identified in your phone as "Ward Liz Nurse." I saw that over your shoulder the other day while I was eavesdropping(?) on your text convo. Thanks for having me so succinctly identified. I'd like to submit to you: Amanda Bike, Blonde Kim, Ken Utah Valley ER Docs, and Robbie Sox. Phone nicknames are the best.

Dear Bruce,
Thanks for asking me what tribe I was from tonight at 7-Eleven. My wet hair was in braids, and I was wearing a headband, so I can see how you got confused.

Dear Lifting Weights,
Thanks for giving me an excuse to check out my muscles in the mirror for as long as I want to without looking conceited.

Dear Bekahface,
Thanks for conveniently taking that three-week-long class with me. I think you're basically the awesomest thing since sliced gluten free bread that tastes like it has gluten in it. That or flourless chocolate cake.

Dear Sun,
Thanks for coming out so much the last few days. Last night I couldn't figure out why my face was red, and then I realized it's because of YOU! You are so good for my soul, and have the added benefit of giving me lots of Vitamin D, and that's cool too.

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