In the class, a cardiothoracic surgeon was lecturing about how we treat trauma that occurs in "the cardiac box," the area inside these lines:
I got this picture here
He started talking all nonchalant about surgical repair of small holes in the heart wall like those caused by bullets and said something like this:There's gonna be a lot of blood, so you'll need to hold manual pressure on the injury while someone gets your suture ready. You need a big needle and thick suture material. When it's ready, take a bit bite [that's what we call the tissue that we pick up with a suture needle], and throw a whipstitch in there to stop the bleeding.
So I'm like, "What's a whipstitch?! That sounds awesome!"
Well, ladies and gentlemen, thanks to Google images, here is a whipstitch:

I got this picture here
So yeah, just throw a whipstitch in that guy's heart.
Haha. Your mom could have told you that. That is the binding stitch for quilts, too. New things every day!