July 11, 2011

Sure Put My New White Nikes to the Test

Okay, so yeah, it's true. They took the song Friday by Rebecca Black off Youtube, so I did what any normal, healthy, well-adjusted female would do: I bought the song on iTunes. Because let's be honest--I love the song. Love. Now, before you get all worked up about how it's the worst song ever, I guess I should say I love/hate it. It's the worst/best song ever. I know. But still, I listen to it repeatedly, and sing it all the time. In fact, I'm listening to it as I type this post.

Anyway, my roommate Bekah hates it and I've been on a quest to find a wonderful/awful song that she love/hates in the same way, and I think today I finally did it with this beautiful ditty by Mr. Aaron Carter:

You go, Aaron. You go. 

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