August 26, 2014

You know you're a nurse when (part 22)

You start speaking like you're dictating.

I called the pharmacy the other day and called in a prescription for Flexeril. And said the period outloud. 

I've also started saying "scratch that" as though it's a normal thing. "Let's meet at Village Inn, scratch that, the gas station." 

The unexpected upside of the whole dictation situation is that I can use Dictation software to bust out an eight page paper really really fast.  And yes, I just used the words "bust out" and "paper" in the same sentence. Boom. 

Also, maybe I dictated this blog post maybe.

August 15, 2014

Thoughts for Liz in 2010 (In which you post a shameless selfie with air-dried hair and no makeup)

think you should know that one day four years from now you're going to take a job you absolutely love. You'll have to work at 6 AM, sometimes for days on end, and as a result you're going to basically stop wearing make up. You're going to love how confident you feel without it. You're going to rock air dried hair almost everyday, and you're going to love it. You're going to love it so much that on date nights and church days you'll wonder why you ever spent so much time on daily makeup. So maybe, just maybe, consider that you can relax a little about the whole "beauty" situation because, let's face it, you're a babe. Even when you don't try to be. 


August 12, 2014

You know you're a nurse when (part 21)

This sign on the wall above the crash cart cracks you up because, say it in an AED voice, "Shock delivered. Resume CPR"